
Showing posts from September, 2017

Full Code For Login With Remember Me In Asp.Net C#

Here i am going to  tell you how to create login page with remember me checkbox with simple code, remember me checkbox will keep username and password for user to login next time without putting user id and password Here is aspx page and codebehind code with database. .aspx page code < div class ="sign-in-form"> < asp : TextBox TextMode ="Email" ID ="txtemail" runat ="server" class ="form-box required" placeholder ="Email Address" required ></ asp : TextBox > < asp : TextBox ID ="txtpassword" TextMode ="Password" runat ="server" class ="form-box required" placeholder ="Password" required ></ asp : TextBox >                                     < div class ="sign-in-settings"> < input runat ="server" id ="chkrembr...

Replace All Special Characters with Underscore Or Space in c#

Simple method to replace all the special characters with underscore or space. Here is the code, while inserting data you can replace characters with this code step. cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@column_name" , Regex .Replace(txt_hedng.Text, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" , "_" )); Another Example   string   quote = "being #cool is so difficult !!" ; string  replace =  Regex .Replace( quote ,  "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+" ,  " " ); Output being cool is so difficult

display numbers of rows, index data Container.ItemIndex in listview c#

Insert This code in listview it will index data and will display numbers on all rows like if you have row one there you can see a number 1 in first row then on second row 2. <%# Container.ItemIndex + 1 %>

how to create dynamic social sharing link in c#

Create dynamic social sharing link in c# using this code. by below code you can create any social links..  put this code on page load or however you want to use. facebook.HRef= "" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; twitter.HRef = "" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; google_plus.HRef= "" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; linkedin.HRef = ""   + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;