
Showing posts from November, 2017

Convert aspx Page To PDF In

Response.ContentType = "application/pdf" ;         Response.AddHeader( "content-disposition" , "attachment;filename=TestReport.pdf" );         Response.Cache.SetCacheability( HttpCacheability .NoCache);         StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();         HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter (sw);         this .Page.RenderControl(hw);         StringReader sr = new StringReader (sw.ToString());         Document pdfDoc = new Document ( PageSize .A4, 2f, 2f, 10f, 0f);         HTMLWorker htmlparser = new HTMLWorker (pdfDoc);         PdfWriter .GetInstance(pdfDoc, Response.OutputStream);         pdfDoc.Open(); ...

Send HTML Form Data To Google Spreadsheet

Why to go with google form when you want to use your own form. Build your own html form and send all the records to google spreadsheets, here is the code and step by step procedures to submit your data in google spreadsheets. Just Follow simple steps.

Delete Query In MYSQL Using Between Clause

To delete a particular row from table  here is MySQL query to delete with INT , String valuse and using between clasue in MYSQL. Syntax Use sql syntax delete command to delete data from MySQL table delete from login where id = 1 Delete data from table using between clause Syntax delete from login where id between 3 and 5; Delete data from table using string value in where clause, Syntax use single quote for any string values you can see the example delete from login where userid= 'admin' ;