Like operator used in where clause it’s use to
search exact word from table.
There are two wildcards in Like operator.
_ - Underscore perform a single character
% - Percent
sign Perform for zero, multiple and for one character
You can mix underscore and percent in query
Operator Example
Example 1
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Name LIKE 'T%';
[The following query returns all data where
Emp_name starts with T]
Example 2
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Name LIKE 'a%i';
[The following query selects al data and
where Emp_Name starts with A and ends with I]
Example 3
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Name LIKE '%T';
[The following query returns all data with
Emp_name where all Employee Name end with T]
Example 4
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Name LIKE '%or%';
[Following query returns all data where (or)
will be situated in any Employee Name]
Example 5
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Name LIKE '_b%';
[Following query returns all data where b is
situated in second position in Emp_Name]
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